

Introducing The Retail Sales Academy PLUS

If you’re ready to have better employees and happier customers, a store that runs on rails, and more money in the bank – all with less stress on you – then you’re going to love the BRAND NEW…


It’s the same world-class, online sales training course in the original Retail Sales Academy that consistently helps retailers get a 10% lift in average sales…

The Retail Sales Academy PLUS Logo

…the brand new ability to create a CUSTOM online training course specifically for your store to deliver new-hire onboarding, daily operations training, product training, manager training, and more.

In other words…

It’s all your employee training ALL IN ONE PLACE!

As the owner of an independent retail store myself for 19 years, I know how critical it is to get all your employees pulling together, doing things the same way (YOUR way!), and giving every single customer an amazing experience.

You can’t afford anything less. The stakes are too high. Each customer is too important.

It’s why I created what I now call the “Goof-Proof” training method. I had to train over 150 part-time, mostly teenage employees in multiple store locations, and there was no way I could do it all myself. And I knew that simply giving them a handbook and hoping they’d perform to my expectations was ludicrous.

And when I relied on other employees to train the new folks, a not-so-surprising thing happened. They trained the new people based on THEIR most desired outcomes – like getting out of work faster, or doing things the easiest way – not the way I wanted them trained.

To solve my problem, I developed a system to deliver great training, check to see if the trainee had actually learned what I wanted them to do, and then find out if they could apply that learning in a real-life situation. If they could… hooray!

A truly well-trained employee. Trained by me. With all of my passion, my focus, my standards

This system worked. I had hundreds of employees giving a great customer experience and doing things my way.

It’s this system that we have “bottled” inside the Retail Sales Academy PLUS, and we’ve made it even better by leveraging the power of technology to make it EASY to do and EASY to manage.

So, what do you get with the Retail Sales Academy PLUS?

First of all, you’ll get the world-class, online sales training course found in the original…

Retail Sales Academy

The Retail Sales Academy is “done-for-you” training that teaches your employees our customer-focused selling system – the 6 Steps to the Perfect Purchase.

Each employee will earn a customized, downloadable certificate as they complete Phase 1 of the program and become a certified Retail Sales Professional.

Phase 2, the Mastery & Application phase, makes sure that your employees have reviewed and retained the most important parts of their initial sales training and can apply their learning to the specific products, services, and situations in YOUR store.

If they don’t review it, they WILL forget it.

If they can’t apply it, they won’t use it on your floor.

Finally, in the Ongoing Professional Development phase 3, we deliver short weekly lessons to keep selling skills sharp and your whole team focused on delivering the very best customer experience to every person who walks through your door.


Just imagine if all your employees were as good at selling as your best employee. How much additional sales would you generate?

Most retailers see about a 10% lift in average sale after using the Retail Sales Academy – without getting a single new customer, doing a single promotion, or offering a single discount. Some store owners have reported up to 20%, even 30% increases!

What would a 10% sales increase mean for YOUR store? What’s your number?

But amazing sales training isn’t all you get with the Retail Sales Academy PLUS

Your Custom Training Course

We know that in addition to sales training, you also have to deliver product training and operations training if you want your team to be a well-oiled machine. That’s why we developed the NEW custom course builder that lets you create and deliver any kind of training your store requires.

Your custom course is truly unlimited… If you need to teach it, your custom course builder can handle it. Your custom course could include:

  • new-hire onboarding,
  • daily operations training,
  • policies & procedures training
  • product training,
  • manager, assistant manager, or key-holder training,
  • warehouse or delivery training,
  • marketing training
  • buying & inventory management training,
  • or anything else you could possibly need…

And your custom course is so easy to create… just add video lessons or written training documents, create a quiz, and publish!

For Both Courses

In addition to delivering tremendous training content, the Retail Sales Academy PLUS makes it super easy for you to manage your new training program.

Quizzes make sure your staff fully understands the training. Some quizzes are multiple-choice, true/false, or yes/no answers with the ability to give feedback and reinforce learning on both correct and incorrect answers.

Quizzes can also be open-response (the employees simply type in their answers) that are emailed directly to the employee’s manager for review. No need for the manager to log in and check – they just show up in their inbox!

Automatic tracking and reporting help you measure employee progress. You can see at a glance where each employee is in their training, if they have achieved any certifications, or if they have outstanding assignments. If you can measure it, you can manage it!

Assignments allow you to target training for the right employees at the right time. Does someone need a refresher on greeting customers? With just a few clicks you can assign them that chapter of the Retail Sales Academy. Does someone need a reminder about the dress code at your store? Assign them the lessons from your custom course on basic work requirements.

Employees will get automatic notifications about assigned training, reminders when training is due and alerts if they miss a due date. You don’t have to see them in person to let them know or use a separate communications system – it’s all built-in!

And More… There are many more useful features (teams, shared documents, etc.)  just waiting for you to discover inside the Retail Sales Academy PLUS. And if there’s something specific you’re wondering about, please call our office and ask. 800-842-1660. We love to answer your questions!

Bottom Line…

You’ll get consistent, effective, and easy-to-manage training that will turn your nice, friendly employees into retail superstars. As your team gets the training they need to be confident and successful on the floor, your sales will increase and your customer happiness will skyrocket!

But best of all, it means less stress and more freedom for you.

Freedom from spending your valuable time to train each new hire – but still getting all the benefits of doing the in-person training!

Freedom from worrying about your “less-than-stellar” employee helping your best customers – because now they’ll know the 6 Steps to the Perfect Purchase.

Freedom from having to be at the store all the time – because now your team will be completely and properly trained to do their job.

The Retail Sales Academy PLUS… It’s all the training your employees need… all in one place!

It’s Time to Take Employee Training OFF Your To-Do List!

If you’re ready to get started, NOW is the time…

Special Introductory Pricing

We are NOT raising the price from the original Retail Sales Academy, even though we’re adding the custom course… it’s like getting two courses (or MORE) for the price of one. Honestly, I don’t know how long this price level will last.

The investment in the Retail Sales Academy PLUS starts at just $299 a month for a single store with 11 or fewer employees (that’s you, plus 10 people on your team.) If you have more than 10 employees, you can add packs of 10 employees for just $99 a month. And if you have more than one store, you can also add extra stores for just $99 a month.

The add-on training alone from the sales training course could pay for the entire thing in just one day!

See Results Fast With A NEW Bonus Package:

To make the Retail Sales Academy PLUS even sweeter, you’ll get this awesome BONUS package...

A Quick Start Checklist to get you started on the Retail Sales Academy PLUS easily and quickly.

2 Wall Posters with great visual reminders to keep your team focused on the 6 Steps to the Perfect Purchase and track your key selling statistics.

Customer Service Direct From Our Office! We are always here to answer questions or help you with any technical problems. And we don’t outsource our support to other companies - you’ll talk directly to our office.


Thanks to my Red Hot Help Wanted Ad, I had over 100 applicants for the part-time sales positions I was looking to fill, and found two incredible new team members. They LOVE the Retail Sales Academy and are carefully putting everything they’re learning into practice. They’ve only been on the sales floor for a total of nine days now and they are already matching my top salesperson in results! I’m so excited!

Debra Purdy, Windsor, Ontario

Debra Purdy reviews the Retail Sales Academy Plus

It’s Guaranteed!

We so strongly believe in the power of the Retail Sales Academy PLUS that you get a really great guarantee.
First, you’ve got 30 days to try it out, and if for any reason you find it’s not for you, we will refund all your initial investment. No hassles, no headaches.

Second, if you choose the monthly payment plan, you can cancel at any time with just 3 days’ notice. If you’re not happy, we’re not happy.

You take absolutely NO RISK by getting started with the Retail Sales Academy PLUS TODAY!

Tony Russon Profile Pic for Testimonial


The Retail Sales Academy is really working! In the first month, I already see a solid 10% increase in my average sale. And the more my team practices, the higher that number will go!

Hope Birsh, Maryland Saddlery, Butler, Maryland

There you have it

  • The Retail Sales Academy course
  • Your Custom Course Creator
  • Fantastic management features
  • Same LOW price
  • Money-Back Guarantee

Everything you need to get your store running on rails and your team working like a well-oiled machine!

Bob Negen

P.S.  If you have any questions or want more information, feel free to call the office at 800.842.1660. We’d love to chat with you!


I’ve had my store for 24 years and the Retail Sales Academy was a game-changer. Highly recommend it!

Linda Macchiarolo, Town Peddler Antique Mall, Livonia, MI

Profile Image of Debra for her testimonial

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