
Higher Sales,
Better Employees,
Less Stress!

Get interactive online retail sales training to transform your employees into a team of customer focused superstars.

Discover the Retail Sales Academy

If you’re ready to have better employees, happier customers, a store that runs on rails, and more money in the bank – all with less stress on you – then you’re going to love the Retail Sales Academy!

The Retail Sales Academy is a “done-for-you” course that teaches your employees our customer-focused selling system – the 6 Steps to the Perfect Purchase.

Just imagine if all your employees were as good at selling as your best employee. How much additional sales could you generate?

Most retailers see about a 10% lift in average sale after using the Retail Sales Academy – without getting a single new customer, doing a single promotion, or offering a single discount. Some store owners have reported up to 20%, even 30% increases!

6 Steps to the Perfect Purchase Icon

The "Six Steps To The Perfect Purchase"

Delivered in 30, bite-sized, interactive videos. Get immediate, long-lasting results to increase sales and make you more money.

Icon for Q and A

Quizzes for Each Video Lesson

Ensure that your staff is actually doing the training AND understands what’s being taught.

Retail Sales Academy Plus Custom Courses Icon

Easily Assign Training

Assign training with just a few clicks! Your team will get notifications and reminders as their due date approaches.

Automatic Tracking Icon

Automatic Tracking

…and easy reporting for you and your managers so you will always know who’s getting it – and who’s not.

Intensive Follow-Up and Ongoing Training

Intensive Follow-up and Ongoing Training

Delivered via email messages sent directly to your employees. The best training is a continuous process, not a one-time event.

Retail Sales Academy is available online.

On-Demand, Online Format

Makes it convenient for your employees to train when they want, on whatever device is best of them. It’s easy.


Thanks to my Red Hot Help Wanted Ad, I had over 100 applicants for the part-time sales positions I was looking to fill, and found two incredible new team members. They LOVE the Retail Sales Academy and are carefully putting everything they’re learning into practice. They’ve only been on the sales floor for a total of nine days now and they are already matching my top salesperson in results! I’m so excited!

Debra Purdy, Windsor, Ontario

Debra Purdy - Retail Sales Academy Plus Testimonial

Great Selling Is Great Customer Service!

The Retail Sales Academy will deliver world-class sales training in three carefully crafted phases that ensure success.

Retail Sales Academy Plus - Phase 1

Phase 1

Professional Certification

This phase is the foundation of the Retail Sales Academy. Your employees will learn the Six Steps to a Perfect Purchase selling system in 30 short, self-paced video lessons and their associated quizzes. After completing Phase 1, your employees will be certified retail sales professionals and can print out their personalized certificate of achievement.

Retail Sales Academy Plus - Phase 2

Phase 2

Mastery and Application

This phase is a series of intensive follow-up video lessons delivered weekly via email. These lessons reinforce what they’ve previously learned and ask them to apply it to the real situations and real products in your store. When employees can apply the skills – whether it’s properly approaching the customer or adding on during the sale – you’ll know that the Phase 1 training has started to take hold.

Retail Sales Academy Plus - Phase 3

Phase 3

Ongoing Professional Development Library

This phase of the Retail Sales Academy gives you the ability to assign advanced sales training directly to your employees. Have a big event coming up? Assign your team the lesson, Greeting Customers When You’re Busy. Notice your average sale is a little low? Assign the chapter, Increase Your Average Sale, and watch as sales soar! It’s designed to keep existing skills sharp and teach NEW advanced concepts. This training turns a good sales team into a team full of selling superstars!

Tony Russo - Retail Sales Academy Plus Testimonial


So I have been requiring my employees to do 15 minutes of the Retail Sales Academy before every shift this past week as well as incorporating the team Bonus program and the result: record week in gross sales and average sale! I can already see a difference in all my employees they are way more confident and have a great attitude. Thanks, Bob Negen

Tony Russo, Lakewood, Ohio

Flexible Pricing, No Contract, No Commitment.

The Retail Sales Academy is $199/month (which includes one seat in the course) plus $10/month for each additional employee you want to train. This makes it easy for smaller stores to pay for just the right number and larger stores to add as many people as they need. There’s no contract, no commitment. It’s flexible!

See Results Fast With Our Bonus Package:

To make the Retail Sales Academy even sweeter, you’ll get this awesome BONUS package...

2 FREE Wall Posters: 1) The 6 Steps To The Perfect Purchase poster to keep it fresh in their minds and 2) a write-on Sales Tracking poster.

Premium Customer Support: We are always here to answer questions or help you with any technical problems. And we don’t outsource our support to other companies - you’ll talk directly to our office.

It's Guaranteed!

The Retail Sales Academy and the Perfect Purchase© method will work for you – no matter what kind of store you have. But if for any reason you decide in the first 30 days that the Retail Sales Academy isn’t for you, just let us know and you’ll get a full, 100% refund. No questions asked. You take absolutely no risk by getting started with the Retail Sales Academy today!

Retail experts Bob and Susan Negen have over 35 years of combined “on the floor” retail experience.

After owning his own retail stores for 19 years, Bob Negen formed WhizBang! Training in 1999 with his wife Susan, an accomplished retailer in her own right. They now share their hard-won knowledge so that other retail store owners can more quickly and easily turn their passion into profit. Bob personally understands the critical need for sales training and developed a customer-focused selling system to train his own team of employees. Since then he has trained “zillions” of retail sales people for thousands of store owners. Over the years he has improved, tweaked and fine-tuned his training into a market-leading proprietary system, the Retail Sales Academy. Every retailer now has an unparalleled opportunity to instantly give their staff powerful, high-impact sales training that will increase sales and ensure an amazing customer experience.

Visit Our Company Website

Bob and Susan Negen
Bob Negen

Bob Negen

Retail Expert, Author, Speaker

Bob Negen discovered his entrepreneurial spirit at the young age of 23 and opened one of the world’s first kite stores…

Read More

Susan Negen

Susan Negen

Retail Management Consultant

Susan Negen has a knockout one-two punch of sophisticated “big business” skills and street-smart small business experience…

Read More


We’re here to help…

Check out our FAQ section to get answers to our most common questions. If you would like more information, have more questions, or would like to inquire about how to get started, please call us at 800.842.1660 or click the button below.

How Long Does Training Take?

Phase 1 of the Retail Sales Academy course takes a little over 4 hours, but the total training time will vary by student. It depends on how quickly they complete the quizzes, if they have to retake quizzes to pass them, or if they decide to watch some of the lessons over again.

One of the great parts about the Retail Sales Academy is that the course is self-paced and completely accessible on any device with an Internet connection. Each employee can go at the speed that’s right for them and train whenever it’s convenient.

But actually, the training never really stops. Your employees will have access to past lessons and new and advanced training for as long as they are part of the Retail Sales Academy. You never want them to stop training, stop learning, and stop improving.

What about seasonal employees that I hire for a short time and then they go away?

Of course, you definitely want to give your seasonal staff sales training. You might as well get the most out of them during the time they are selling in your store!

It’s super easy to add an employee as a Retail Sales Academy user and it’s just as easy to make them “inactive” when they are done. PLUS, if that same person comes back again the next year all you have to do is make them “active” again and all their training records are still there.

I only have one store now, but I’m thinking about opening another one. Can I have two stores in the Retail Sales Academy?

Yes, you can! You should start with a single store package, but when you are ready, it’s easy to upgrade to a multi-store package. When you have more than one store location, you can let your store managers see and manage the employees in their store (and only their store!) You can run reports for your whole company and by store so you can keep tabs on what’s happening where.

Does every employee get their own login with the Retail Sales Academy?

Yes. Each employee will have their own personal login and password. This way they can do the training at their own speed and at the time that’s best for them. The individual accounts let you effortlessly keep track of who is doing what and how well they are learning!

Do I need any special computer software to run the Retail Sales Academy?

Nope, no special software to download or install. It’s all online and completely accessible with only an internet connection from your PC, laptop, Mac, tablet or mobile device.

Can I see which employees are doing their training and if they are passing the quizzes?

Absolutely! You get lots of different reports that allow you to see who is completing their training and how specific employees are doing on their quizzes. You’ll even get an Activity Report delivered to you once a week.

Do my employees have to be in my store to do the Retail Sales Academy training?

No, your employees can train anywhere, any time. One of the great parts about the Retail Sales Academy is that the course is self-paced and completely accessible on any device with Internet connection. Each employee can go at the speed that’s right for them and train whenever it’s convenient.